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9 Insights on hydrogen potentials in Southeast
Tuesday, 30.04.2024, 08:30 - 10:00 | Webinar
Slide Deck
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9 Insights on Hydrogen –Southeast Asia Edition
by Fabian Barrera & Kathrin Gretener (Agora Industry)
Report launch event: 9 Insights on hydrogen potentials in Southeast Asia
Renewable hydrogen role in cutting emissions from industry in Southeast Asia

Event Recording
What this event is about
With most countries in Southeast Asia having adopted net-zero emissions targets, domestic and regional policy discussions have started to explore pathways that can realise these commitments. Hydrogen has generated enormous attention over the past few years: over 50 countries have published hydrogen strategies, and many others, including those in Southeast Asia, intend to do so soon.
Yet, how hydrogen fits into national decarbonisation strategies is still being determined. The controversial use of ammonia co-firing in coal power plants is being discussed in the power sector. Meanwhile, new investments in green steel production could trigger additional and dynamic demand for hydrogen. On the supply side, the region is expected to soon become a net importer of fossil gas, and renewable energy development is still at an early stage and needs to be accelerated.
Agora Industry and Agora Energiewende launched the joint publication report “9 Insights on Hydrogen – Southeast Asia Edition,” which aims to inform discussions on priorities and no-regret uses of hydrogen specific to Southeast Asia’s regional contexts. The event addressed not only demand and supply, but also explored opportunities and challenges for energy infrastructure and Southeast Asia's position in the global hydrogen trade.
The programme can be found in the download section below.
The slides shown during this event can be found further down.
We have recorded the event. The recording can be found above.
Event details
Report launch event: 9 Insights on hydrogen potentials in Southeast Asia
Agora Online Event
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